I had been in constant pain for nearly two years after falling off a ladder

Patrick Stanton
I had been in constant pain for nearly two years after falling off a ladder when I stumbled across the Alexander Technique. I had become withdrawn and at times very depressed, which, of course, had repercussions on my family. They were very sympathetic, but after a while, the tension began to build, with ever-increasing rows. I couldn’t go back to work, although I had tried several times, and socialising was no fun at all. The pain and torment were beginning to take over my life. After my fourth or fifth lesson, I was able to see that it was I who was causing the discomfort. I had gotten into the habit of tensing up my left leg, which I probably started doing when I had my accident. I couldn’t believe it at first that the problem was so simple; in fact I walked out of that lesson without any pain at all for the first time in twenty months. The pain did, in fact, return the next day, but this experience had given me hope so I persevered with the lessons and now I am free of pain for at least ninety-five per cent of the time. During the process, I have learnt so much about myself that I would never have known otherwise. I am deeply grateful to the Technique and to my teacher for the patience that he had